Using videos for content marketing

If you have not heard, videos are the new face of content marketing. It is no surprise, since the average consumer like you and I would rather watch a video about a product than read through chunks of text on its website. Recognising this, more companies are using videos as their marketing tactic – and it proves to be effective. The infographic below from Infographic Design Team accurately summarises the effectiveness and impacts of using videos:

content marketing

Other than the abovementioned effectiveness, videos are also one of the most versatile marketing tactic that can be used for any type of content and purpose. Some of the more common uses are summarized below in our infographic:

content marketing graphicHowever, how do you make your video stand out and attract attention among the myriad of videos today? To create a video that your audience wants to watch, here is a 3-step formula from Script Consultants to guide you with your video content:

  1. A story arc – it is best to have your video to narrate a story, with an introduction, climax and resolution. The content should flow well and not confuse viewers further.
  2. Right amount of content – include all three key components of a video – audio, visuals and text. According to Solutions 8, the ideal length of a video is under four minutes.
  3. A call-to-action – there should always be a call-to-action for every marketing tactic, providing directions to consumers on where to find more information or the next step to take. Ultimately, the video’s message should be simple, clear and direct

Written by: ( Edited & Illustrated by: Script Consultants Pte Ltd
